The Crazy Ones is an American situation comedy series created by David E. Kelley that stars Robin Williams and Sarah Michelle Gellar. The single-camera project premiered on CBS on September 26, 2013, as part of the 2013–14 American television season as a Thursday night 9 pm (ET/PT) entry. Bill D'Elia, Dean Lorey and Jason Winer serve as executive producers for 20th Century Fox Television.
Theme Song:
Robin Williams, Sarah Michelle Gellar, James Wolk, Hamish Linklater, Amanda Setton
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RG's Views
I had to tune in for Robin Williams. The supporting cast is actually wonderful and has pretty good chemistry. But it pains me to say that Sarah Michelle Gellar is a bit of a square peg in this ensemble. She doesn't quite have the comedy chops that her co-stars share. But that being said, her performance has improved as the series progresses. It's not the best sitcom I have ever watched but it has some real potential. And it's worth checking out for the 30 sec blooper reel at the end of each episode.
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Last Time *aired February 27, 2014
The Crazy Ones - 1x16 - Zach MitzvahSimon offers to throw a client's son's Bar Mitzvah, but Zach's run-in with the only woman he's ever loved may upend the festivities
Next Time *airs March 6, 2014
The Crazy Ones - 1x17 -- Heavy Meddling Simon's desperation for grandchildren forces him to interfere with Sydney's new relationship. Meanwhile, Zach and Andrew try working with other partners
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