'The Ricky Gervais Show' audiobooks have been developed into an animated TV series, which premiered on February 19, 2010, on the American channel HBO and on the British channel, Channel 4 on Friday 23 April 2010. In July 2012, Ricky Gervais stated on Twitter that the third season of The Ricky Gervais Show would be the last:
The show consists of past audiobooks with animation, drawn in a style similar to classic era Hanna-Barbera cartoons, describing jokes in a literal context.
Theme Song:
Starring Voices:
Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, Karl Pilkingtonhttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt1553644/
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RG's Views
I love Ricky Gervais. I came late to the party but loved every single moment of this wacky show. It's hard to believe that this is as real as they say it is, but then again who could make this up.
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